Big History Timeline Wallbook
Depicts millions of years of evolution, the rise & fall of civilizations, 100 of history’s top battles and the complete story of our planet on a 6ft-long fold-out timeline. Created in association with the American Museum of Natural History.

What is it?
IMAGINE TAKING a trip through the history of everything from the beginning of the universe to the present day! This unique ‘big history’ wallbook, developed in association with the American Museum of Natural History, includes a 6-foot-long fold-out timeline containing more than 1,000 pictures and captions that tell the story of the history of the world.
The timeline is divided into 12 sections covering both natural history as well as the history of human civilizations in each of the world’s continents. Readers can easily compare what was happening across the world at any given moment in time. The Wallbook also includes more than 30 newspaper articles, a 50-question quiz and a pocket magnifier. Perfect for 6-14 year olds but equally fascinating for all curious adults.
“A unique, accessible and inspiring information book.
The What on Earth Wallbook Timeline of Big History is
an amazing feat of publishing!”
LoveReading4Kids – November 2015 Book of the Month
What’s inside?
- Visually engaging with more than 1,000 hand-drawn pictures
- Encourages learning through curiosity, includes a pocket magnifier
- Spine-bound hardback book that also folds out into a 6 foot-long timeline wallchart
- Explores the history of the world through a wide range of newspaper-style articles
- Ideal for children fascinated by non-fiction
- Exciting for adults as well as children
- Great as a gift for any curious child aged 6-14
Facts & Figures
Height: 14 inches
Width: 10 inches
Length (when fully unfolded): 6 feet
ISBN: 978-099328-472-4
“A beautifully illustrated pull-out wall chart covering all of time as we currently know it – from the Big Bang right up until the birth of Prince George –a faux-newspaper-style editorial, a crossword puzzle and a quiz, this book is as entertaining as it is interesting, and although it’s aimed at 6-14 year olds, it has appealed to all the family”.
Review by
What other people are saying:
“This is history let out of its box. It simply sings to info-philes and visual learners alike. With parallel timelines for all continents, developments on land, sky and sea, more than a thousand illustrations, it is a superlative mastery of design and research, a treat to eye and brain alike.”
“I’ve got a house full of books, mostly unread, and seem to have got out of the habit of reading much these days. When I find myself in a bookshop, even if I find a book that looks interesting I think about the unread books in my house and return the book to the shelf. That’s not what happened when I opened THIS book!
If it looks really good on the outside – and it does – it gets better when you open it up. Half as big again as A4 you open it to find it’s one long page, folded concertina-like between the covers. You therefore have the choice of dipping into it, sitting down to study it in fascination for hours, or opening it out to make a LONG wall poster and sticking it up on your wall. Which presumably is why they call it a Wallbook!”
Talks & Workshops
If you are interested in booking a talk or workshop on the theme of Big History click here!