Wallbook Timeline of British History
Introducing our latest Wallbook, developed in partnership with the National Trust.With over 1,000 captions and illustrations, readers are taken on a visually exhilarating journey through the ages: from the dinosaurs, the Battle of Hastings, Henry VIII’s Reformation, Oliver Cromwell’s Civil War, George Stephenson’s Rocket to the invention of the internet by
Sir Tim Berners-Lee…and beyond!

EXPLORE BRITISH HISTORY as you have never seen it before! A beautiful 2m-long timeline unfolds to reveal key moments including the story of kings & queen, famous battles, the heroes of science, art and culture as well as iconic national buildings and monuments – all of which have shaped the history of our islands from before humans to the present.
A newspaper-style chronicle provides a companion narrative guide with crosswords, letters-to-the-editor and a multiple-choice quiz. The finishing touch of a handy pocket magnifier make this Wallbook the perfect gift for curious kids and adults alike.

Purchase your copy now for just £12.99
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