The Massachusetts Chronicles

A unique telling of Massachusetts state history, published on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the Pilgrims in 1620. The book contains more than 60 newspaper-style stories and a timeline of over 100 key moments that tell the story of the history of Massachusetts.

In celebration of Plymouth 400, a donation of books worth over $1,000,000 will be distributed free of charge to all 1,854 schools in Massachusetts
during the first week of September 2020!

Every school will receive:

A 32-Copy Class Set of the Massachusetts Chronicles

A giant 12-foot-long laminated Massachusetts Timeline

A Massachusetts Chronicles Educator’s Guide with curriculum-mapped activities

Click here to purchase individual copies of The Massachusetts Chronicles

Click here to purchase more 32-copy Class Sets (Purchase Order available)


Click here to purchase additional GIANT Massachusetts Timelines (Purchase Order available)


Reckon you’re a whizz at
Massachusetts State history?

If so, then why not try out one of our fabulous Massachusetts Chronicles state history quizzes!

Beginners Quiz

Intermediate Quiz

Advanced Quiz

All the questions come from information that can be found inside The Massachusetts Chronicles book!

With special thanks to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

and Bruce & Patricia Bartlett.

For further details please contact us at