
The Story of the World in 100 Species

Join Christopher Lloyd on an exhilarating journey, from the birth of life to the present day, as he tells the extraordinary stories of 100 of the most successful species ever to have lived.


Why have creatures evolved as they are? Which species are most successful? Where do humans fit in?

Join Christopher Lloyd on an exhilarating journey, from the birth of life to the present day, as he seeks answers to these fundamental questions through the extraordinary stories of 100 of the most successful species ever to have lived

Along the way, take in lively biographies of fifty of the most successful species that have evolved in the wild from slime moulds and sea scorpions to dragonflies and dung beetles followed by fifty species that have thrived as a result of man’s interference from dogs,cats and chickens to wheat, coffee and bananas.

The 100 species are finally ranked in order of their overall impact on the planet, life and people, revealing the ongoing struggle between the forces of nature and the mind of mankind, and our pivotal relationship with the Earth itself – past, present and future.

ISBN: 978-140887638-1


Original price was: £20.00.Current price is: £18.00.