
Shakespeare Timeline Wallbook and Stickerbook Bundle

A fabulous bundle of the Shakespeare Timeline Wallbook and the amazing Shakespeare Timeline Stickerbook. Perfect for any literary genius or school English and Drama departments.


Both books for just £13.99 (RRP £19.98)


Shakespeare Timeline Wallbook


What is it?

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE’S plays are presented as never before, with all 38 masterpieces performed in front to you at once on a timeline set in the iconic Globe Theatre. Spot the ghosts, hunt for the murderers, discover the poison and revel in Elizabethan romance as each play reveals its story with a plot summary, key quotes and characters. The timeline features essential moments in Shakespeare’s life providing a unique, visual and narrative context to the works of the world’s favourite bard. The Wallbook of Shakespeare also includes more than 30 newspaper articles, a 50-question quiz and a pocket magnifier. Perfect for 7-14 year olds but equally fascinating for adults of all ages.


What’s inside?

  • Visually engaging with more than 1,000 hand-drawn pictures
  • Encourages learning through curiosity, includes a pocket magnifier
  • Spine-bound hardback book that also folds out into a 2 metre-long timeline wallchart
  • Perforated edge allows timeline to be detached as a wallchart
  • Explores the history of the how Shakespeare has become the world’s favourite playwright though a wide range of newspaper-style articles
  • Ideal for children fascinated by non-fiction
  • Exciting for adults as well as children
  • Great as a gift for any curious child aged 7-14


Facts & Figures

Height: 36 cms
Width: 27 cms
Depth: 0.8 cms
Length (when fully unfolded): 2 metres

ISBN: 978-09954-820-2-9


Shakespeare Timeline Stickerbook

What on Earth Stickerbooks tell giant stories using stickers on a timeline. This one is all about the amazing plays of William Shakespeare, the most famous playwright in the history of the world.

What on Earth? Stickerbooks can be unfolded and spread out on a table, stretched across the floor or even stuck up on a wall. To make your own stickerbook story of the plays of William Shakespeare just unfold the timeline attached to the inside back cover and stick the 100 stickers in the right places.

When you are finished, carefully tear off the timeline along the perforated edge and stick it on a wall using Blu Tack, tape or pins. You can also colour in our version of William Shakespeare himself surrounded by characters from his 38 plays. Carefully unclip the staples in the middle of the book and lift out your coloured picture. See if you can spot how many different people there are!

Suitable for 3yrs+

Height: 30 cms
Width: 22 cms
Depth: 0.5 cms
Length (when fully unfolded): 1.7 metres
ISBN: 978-0-9929249-1-1

Original price was: £19.98.Current price is: £13.99.

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